Poggiolevante alla European Conference for Student Affairs & Services

presentazione del programma formativo ASIRID

giovedì 19 novembre 2020 - Dalle 10 alle 10:45

Il Direttore del Collegio IPE Poggiolevante, Michele Crudele e lo studente di Informatica, Davide Palma, presentano il programma formativo ASIRID alla European Conference for Student Affairs & Services organizzata da EucA (European university college Association) e NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education), nella sessione dedicata a Employability & Careers Services.

Academic education in Italy is often limited to theoretical teaching. The outcome is a skill gap for graduates who transition into their professional life. The ASIRID, Alta Scuola Internazionale Residenziale per Innovatori Digitali – aims to fill this gap by providing a strong bond with the world of work starting from students’ first year of university. The session will share a residential curriculum focused on giving the students an entrepreneurial experience: students, in addition to following the courses of their university, are also involved in project-based activities entrusted to them directly by the ASIRID partner companies. These activities involve problem-solving real challenges companies face, or delivering hardware, software, or consulting services. The presentation will include feedback from students and CEOs.


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